James Steed Zen-X Guided Meditation & Support
James Steed Zen-X Guided Meditation & Support
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Audio Download: Pain 4 Advanced Pain Relief Triple Whammy
This experimental cognitive behavioral therapy-informed audio program addresses your unconscious mind on multiple tracks to be used ONLY AFTER you have my audio programs "Observing Your Pain", "Editing Your Pain", and "Pain Away Number 11" two or three each. Be forewarned that this is purposely very very confusing to your conscious mind. If you are a paranoid or very suspicious person, you may not want to use it. However, if you have used my previous pain programs, you received some benefit from them, and you trust my guidance, you can put on your earbuds, lay back and close your eyes, and be prepared to undergo the most comfortable confusion you have ever had. The confusion is created to directly access your unconscious mind. Let my words massage you. There are three ongoing programs. You can choose to listen to number 1, number 2, or number 3 only or listen to them all at once, or just might choose to give up, konk out, and let your unconscious mind do work while you rest peacefully in the middle of nowhere. Forgive me if it's not to your liking.<br><br>Photo: Thanks to Rodion Kutsaiev at Pexals<br><br><br>Digital Only. Not available on Insight Timer. Too experimental.
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Audio Download: Anxiety 6: Put On Your Earbuds to Interuppt Your Panic in 16 Minutes (16:00) (CBT)
This audio program in one of a series of audio downloads to relieve anxiety. It is a "do-as-I-say" session not a meditation session to somewhat forcefully interrupt a panic attack. Most people panicking won't feel like relaxing and meditating. This practice starts with thought interrupting breath work, followed by grounding in the present, vagus nerve stimulation, visualization, and rehearsal. Anytime you start panicking, put on your earbuds, listen to this program intently, and follow my directions like you are a new cadet listening to the captain in boot camp. After you have done this a few times, you will be able to do for yourself without the program. For best results, practice my other cognitive therapy- and cognitive behavior therapy-informed meditations, "I am the captain of my ship", "home in a bubble", and "meditation at your finger tips." Peace.<br><br>FREE LISTENING AT INSIGHT TIMER (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)<br>https://insig.ht/lpdolOBUFKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share
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Audio Download: Anxiety 5: Wanda & Andy Metaphor For People Anxious In Social Situations (36:00)
The is part of a course audio programs to relieve various anxieties, in this case social. This 36-minute cognitive therapy- and cognitive behavior therapy-informed metaphor/creative visualization is to be listened to and imagined at bedtime. Starts out setting the goal, followed by relaxing into a meditative state and inner child communication. You only need to listen to this once or twice to start you on a less anxious path. Practice most of my anxiety programs to gain the most benefit over time. Best for people easily absorbed into imagined scenarios and novels. They are good cognitive therapy resources. Peace. I hope you add metaphor to your mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy, and cognitive therapy resources.<br><br><br>FREE LISTENING ON INSIGHT TIMER<br>https://insig.ht/IP2RWD5TFKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Anxiety 3: Zen-X Visualized Walking Medi-t-c-ation For Anxiety (42:00)
This audio program part of my guided cognitive behavior therapy-informed mediation and visualization program to relieve anxiety. In this guided visualization and metaphor, an anxious girl meets a walking meditator who guides her to let go of intrusive thoughts. Practiced repetitively in the thought field. The teacher ends by going to his magic medicine shop to give her a customized prescription of Zen-X to relieve her anxiety without knocking her out. Practice this 3 to 4 times before moving on to my other programs. Works best for people who absorb easily into imagined scenarios. I think you will find them useful cognitive therapy resources. <br><br><br>FREE LISTENING ON INSIGHT TIMER<br>https://insig.ht/rL3c9AtPFKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Anxiety 2: Meditation at Your Fingertips (25:00)
This audio program is part of a series of cognitive behavior therapy-informed guided meditations I created to manage anxiety. This program desensitizes you to distracting anxious thoughts and emerging anxiety. It entails how to recognize you are being distracted by anxious thoughts, how to develop a meditative state, and establish a fingertip cue for it, followed by practicing it a couple of times with the program. Practice often as much as twice a day in the beginning to learn how to reduce low-moderate levels of anxiety and prevent escalation. Later do it with no audio. It would be good if you practiced my free audio program "I Am the Captain of My Ship" 3 to 5 times before you begin this anxiety journey. I think you will find them good cognitive therapy resources.<br><br><br>FREE LISTENING ON INSIGHT TIMER<br>https://insig.ht/HzE1GtAOFKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Anxiety 4: Home In A Bubble--You CAN Take It With You (26:00)
This audio program is part of a series of cognitive behavior therapy-informed mindfulness practices to relieve anxious thoughts. In this visualization, you first put yourself in a safe, comfortable, friendly place you create or recreate within an orb, make it transparent and imagine moving about the world in that bubble undisturbed like Oz's Glenda Good Witch of the North. You also create a symbol that evokes these states in you and place it in your mind's eye in places you go and people you meet. These symbols will light up at the unconscious level as you move about in the world outside your home. I think you find them useful cognitive therapy resources.<br><br>FREE LISTENING Copy the Link Below and Search in Your Browser<br>https://insig.ht/GAsIf0RxEKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Medicine Buddha Lapis Mala
The Medicine Buddha is known as the Lapis King. He is always pictured with blue skin. Lapis, itself, favor 3rd Eye Chakra, Communication. <br><br>The mala is held between and moved by the thumbs and middle fingers, never the index finger. The tassel marks the space between the beginning and the end of a line of 108 beads, one bead each for the chant of round of the Medicine Buddha Mantra. <br><br>To do the chant, first say your say name and say you intend to chant the mantra for the benefit of all sentient beings. Then, chant the mantra, one round for each bead.<br><br>In Tibetan: <br>Da Ya To OM. (Let it be like this. I my body and mind.)<br>Bekenjay. Bekenjay. Maha Benkenjay. (The Medicine Buddha's name 3 times)*<br>Rajah samagate Soha (Let this vibrate throughout the field of consciousness)<br><br>End by saying, "I release all merit obtained by chanting this mantra to all sentient beings in this world.<br><br>*The name is pronounced three times to heal the suffering, to heal the cause of the suffering, to heal the cause of the cause of the suffering. <br><br>You can practice the mantra here.<br>https://insig.ht/y5DQ0d8pyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share<br><br>Price includes shipping from India.<br>
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Audio Download: Anxiety 1--Heading Anxiety Off at the Pass (23:00)
This is the third in a series of cognitive behavior therapy-informed guided meditation practices to manage anxiety, this program desensitizes you to early alerts of imagined fears. It entails recognizing an anxious alert to imagined fear, temporarily changing your breathing in response to that alert, observing and labeling the associated thought, and an activity known as "acting as if." Practice often to make your new breathing behavior an automatic response to an alert to prevent escalation of anxiety. Later, you create your own and practice without the audio. I hope them find these practices good cognitive therapy resources and mindfulness resources.<br><br>FREE LISTENING<br>https://insig.ht/TJYzo0cHBKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Grief: Good Grief--A Light Meditation For A Heavy Issue (34:00)
This cognitive therapy- and cognitive behavior therapy-informed guided meditation is not concerned with stages of grief. To practice it, make sure you are over being in denial or being overly distraught over the death of a loved one or loss of something before beginning. I guide you into a light state, guide you in mind-body processing, lead you in 2 or 3 imaginative activities, and finish with a metaphor. Before you begin, write down three or four qualities you treasure about a beloved person or pet you lost. Practice 2 or 3 times. I hope you add this program to your treasure trove of useful mindfulness and cognitive therapy resources.<br><br>FREE LISTENING<br>https://insig.ht/CETC4FIFBKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Sleep 3: Putting Yourself to Sleep by Spelling Sleep Backwards (21:00)
This program is my third one on sleep. I wrote the first two in Chinese, but they are not translated yet, sorry. Those audio programs have you lie back and passively be lulled to sleep. This audio program, however, gets you actively involved in putting yourself to sleep. Use it when you have difficulty falling asleep or when you wake up in the middle of the night. You probably will not go to sleep while listening to the program but instead fall asleep a few minutes later. After you practice it several times, you will can do it without listening. <br><br>FREE LISTENING<br>https://insig.ht/MwPnJgHEBKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Swimming In Your Imagination For The Sedentary Or Bedridden (31:00)
This visualization gives your muscles the opportunity to respond to imagined exercise and music. If you've ever had goosebumps thinking of something scary or had a sexual response to a novel or movie, you know the body responds to the imagination. I wrote this to help heal a seriously ill patient's bedsores and wean him or her off a ventilator years ago. Surprisingly successful! Be careful who you suggest it to. They must be open to it. Also, please note that some people need strength to pass on, too. I hope your add it you collection of mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy, and cognitive therapy resources.<br><br>Photo: Thanks to Emily Rose at Pexals<br><br>FREE LISTENING Copy and Past to Your Browser<br>https://insig.ht/S8StpeRDBKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Pain 3: Pain Away Number 11 (21:00)
Meditators observe pain changing, coming, and going. This cognitive therapy mindfulness and cognitive behavior therapy-informed guided meditation taps your body’s innate ability to remember and recreate its responses to previous stimuli and produce feelings of comfort. If a certain visualization doesn’t resonate, focus on the background music until the next one is introduced. Practice several times intensively and then every once in a while. Pain Away Number 11 along with "Observing Your Pain" and "Editing Your Pain" has a cumulative, snowball effect. Not medical advice. Enjoy. I hope you see fit to add these pain programs to you collection of useful mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy, and cognitive therapy resources.<br><br>Photo: Thanks to Pixabay at Pexals.<br><br>FREE LISTENING<br>https://insig.ht/wOcGqBnDBKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Pain 2: Editing Your Pain (27:00)
Experienced meditators can sit and observe pain as it changes and comes and goes. Not easy. Editing Your Pain allows you to "direct" and "edit" your experience of pain through various imaginative activities. It presents several very effective cognitive therapy mindfulness and cognitive behavior therapy-informed guided visualized activities If an activity doesn't suit you, just focus on the background music until the next one. Practice it several times. Editing Your Pain together with "Pain 1 Observing Your Pain" and "Pain Away Number 11" has a cumulative effect, snowballing over time. Enjoy. Not a substitute for medical attention. If using the digital download, you can pause the program spend a little more time editing. I hope you add it to your collection of mindfulness, cognitive behavior therapy, and cognitive therapy resources.<br><br>Photo: Thanks to Kenji Ogami at Pexals<br><br>FREE LISTENING<br>https://insig.ht/cj7X0YMCBKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Pain 1: Observing Your Pain--Separating Your Pain From The Matrix (23:00)
Experienced meditators observe pain continuously in 1 sitting. This beginner’s program ask questions to help you observe pain intermittently in 1 sitting. It separates it from the matrix within which it occurs and promotes tolerance. If a question doesn’t apply, focus on the background music until the next question. Listen straight through, then with pauses to answer, and then straight through again. "Observing Your Pain" together with my other cognitive behavior therapy-informed mindfulness audio programs "Editing Your Pain" and "Pain Away Number 11" has a cumulative effect. Note: When using the download, if the program is going too fast for you, pause it, answer the question, and then continue. Everyone is different. For me, it's fast. For others, it's slow. <br><br>Photo: Thanks to Pixabay at Pexels.<br><br>FREE LISTENING<br>https://insig.ht/JbwFZKHBBKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Online Cam-to-Cam TimeWaver (r) Bioconscious Information Field Analysis & Adjustment Service
Physical matter, thoughts, emotions, memories, and even karma have frequencies. My Information Field Reader works by measuring frequencies in your information (auric) field and comparing them against those recorded and stored in large databases, including spiritual (Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity) level, karmic level, psychological level, informational level (essences, spagyrics, etc), energy level (stones, chakras, meridians, acupuncture, symbols, etc), frequencies (body, brain, rife, Solfeggio, etc.), physiological level, agriculture, business and finance, house and living, including fengshui. Discover what's holding or blocking you and get important lessons. The reader remotely analyzes the frequencies within your information field, dissolves, adjusts, and optimizes them and introduces new ones. Similarities attract, so if you adjust your frequencies, you may change what you attract. 90-minute cam-to-cam session. To arrange, please pay and message jimsteed@hushmail.com with your name, birth date, city of residence, city of birth, and a photo taken of you alone for it to read. Confidentiality assured. PDF summary sent to you. It's an interesting point of reference!
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Audio Download: Steed 20-Item Scale: Ability To Benefit From Visualization (20 minutes)
There are several kinds of meditation, including observational, concentration, and visualization. One's ability to benefit from creative visualization has been found to be determined by one's ability to be absorbed into imagined experience and to experience trance-like phenomena. This oral questionnaire contains items related to this absorbance and trance phenomena. Take it, score it, and see how likely you will benefit from guided meditations and creative visualizations. It's very interesting. Priced to cover service charges only.<br><br>LISTEN FREE AT INSIGHT TIMER<br>https://insig.ht/gqbx9dEnyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)<br><br><br>
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Audio Download: I Am The Captain of My Ship (18:45)
The Captain of My Own Ship: Gaining Perspective and Empowering Change. When you are hoping to bring more mindfulness into your life or you are facing life's challenges, you may repeat the following very empowering set of affirmations based in part on the identification exercise in The Act of Will by Roberto Assagioli. Synthesis Center Press, 2010. Repeat them in a relaxed and open meditative state. Repeat this meditation in its full form once or twice a day for a couple of months. Audio Download Free. I hope you find it a useful cognitive therapy resource and cognitive therapy mindfulness activity.<br><br>Free: https://insig.ht/87VjveIoyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Meet The Medicine Buddha (19 min)
In a meditative state, you are introduced to the Medicine Buddha, who attained Buddhahood by following 12 vows to resolve suffering in the world. You visualize being filled up with healing substance from his bowl. His mantra is introduced during your healing. This mantra, usually chanted 108 times before a bowl of water which is drunk, is practiced thoroughly in my long and short visualizations Healing in the Thought Field and in my Medicine Buddha Mantra, which I chant 108 times in Tibetan. Priced to cover service charges only.<br><br>Free:<br>https://insig.ht/1Iy56bDpyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Mantra 1: Short Benzaguru Medicine Buddha Mantra 108 times (15:57)
When frustrated or even caught in traffic, I chant this mantra of the masters. It engages chakras 6, 5, and 4 evoking Padmasambhava and releasing attachments to outcomes. Nature was clamorous here while recording. No music, just simple chanting practice. Don't try to match my low voice. Harmonize with it. Focus on the sonorous hu"ng" sound. It stimulates the 3rd eye. Focus on your voice, not mine. Priced to cover service charges only.<br><br>Free:<br>https://insig.ht/y5DQ0d8pyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (Note: you can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and down load them here. I highly suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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Audio Download: Mantra 3: Harmonic Medicine Buddha Mantra in Hindi (Sanskrit) (60:04)
This high vibration mantra, with multiple voice overlays, channels vibrations to heal suffering, heal the cause of suffering, and heal the cause of suffering in you and others you hold in your heart center. It reduces suffering and facilitates good fortune. I chant from the spiritual heart (F#-yam), crown and third eye (B-om), and solar plexus (E-ram). If you can’t chant F#, then B or E are harmoniously okay. You can also go up an octave. If you want to practice it, please practice "Mastering the Medicine Buddha Mantra" first. Before you begin, state the following, "I will not chant the Medicine Buddha Mantra to relieve the suffering all sentient beings" and when you finish, "I now dedicate the merits I have accrued by chanting this mantra to all sentient beings." Add a little spirit to your cognitive therapy mindfulness.<br>Priced to cover service charges only. <br><br>LISTEN FOR FREE AT INSIGHT TIMER.<br>https://insig.ht/83Or1g9qyKb?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=live_stream_share (You can't pause on Insight Timer. If you want a program you can pause or listen to multiple times, then purchase and download them here. I suggest you listen to my programs many times for full effect.)
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