Audio Download:  Pain 4  Advanced Pain Relief Triple Whammy

Audio Download: Pain 4 Advanced Pain Relief Triple Whammy

This experimental cognitive behavioral therapy-informed audio program addresses your unconscious mind on multiple tracks to be used ONLY AFTER you have my audio programs "Observing Your Pain", "Editing Your Pain", and "Pain Away Number 11" two or three each. Be forewarned that this is purposely very very confusing to your conscious mind. If you are a paranoid or very suspicious person, you may not want to use it. However, if you have used my previous pain programs, you received some benefit from them, and you trust my guidance, you can put on your earbuds, lay back and close your eyes, and be prepared to undergo the most comfortable confusion you have ever had. The confusion is created to directly access your unconscious mind. Let my words massage you. There are three ongoing programs. You can choose to listen to number 1, number 2, or number 3 only or listen to them all at once, or just might choose to give up, konk out, and let your unconscious mind do work while you rest peacefully in the middle of nowhere. Forgive me if it's not to your liking.

Photo: Thanks to Rodion Kutsaiev at Pexals

Digital Only. Not available on Insight Timer. Too experimental.
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