Audio Download: Anxiety 6: Put Your Earbuds to Interuppt Your Panic  in 16 Minutes  (16:00)

Audio Download: Anxiety 6: Put Your Earbuds to Interuppt Your Panic in 16 Minutes (16:00)

This audio program in one of a series of audio downloads I created to not cure but to relieve anxiety, in this case panic. It is a "do-as-I-say" session not a meditation session to somewhat forcefully interrupt a panic attack. Most people panicking are not going to feel like relaxing and meditating. This practice starts off with thought interrupting breath work, followed by grounding in the present, vagus nerve stimulation, visualization, and rehearsal. Anytime you start panicking, put on your earbuds, listen to this program intently, and follow my directions like you are a new cadet listening to the captain in boot camp. After you have done this a few times, you will be able to do for yourself without the program. For best results, practice my other meditations, "I am the captain of my ship", "home in a bubble", and "meditation at your finger tips." Peace.

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